The headquarters of our aw Firm is in Saragossa, Paseo Independencia 21 1 Center, although our work requires frequent presence in other locations in Spain, mainly in Madrid, which office is located at Calle Velázquez 46, despacho 16.
Linkages that our Firm keeps with clients with international structure, as well as foreign clients, forcing the internationalization of our work, developing close partnerships and established relationships with law firms in Germany, Argentina, Brazil, China, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt , United States, France, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, United Kingdom and Romania.
C/Paseo Independencia 21 1º Centro
50001 Zaragoza,ESPAÑA
Tlfno.: (+34) 976. 233. 383
Fax: (+34) 976. 795. 622
C/ Velázquez nº 46, Despacho 16
28001 Madrid, ESPAÑA
Tlfno.: (+34) 911 123 493